An “Anne with an E” Type of Lifestyle

You don’t need a rustic cottage and farm in the middle of Green Gables to enjoy a similar lifestyle like Anne Shirley Cuthbert!

Honestly, it’s as easy as following these 8 simple ways :

1. Read more

It doesn’t have to be Jane Austen. Read any book that you deeply enjoy.

2. Indulge in bread, tarts, pies and tea.

Because there’s nothing like the smell of freshly baked goods in the morning.

3. Appreciate knowledge and how great it is to learn.

Many may not notice, but education is a privilege. Take the time to learn something new or share a fact with another.

4. Speak your mind!

Be bold, brave, and never back down from sharing your thoughts. Respect is key!

5. Stand for what’s right!

Demand justice and be an ally! Anne is not one to sit around in the face of injustice! Do the best you can and let others know you are there for and with them.

6. Send a letter or two to loved ones or even yourself!

Write about the simple things you conquered today, like making your bed or trying a new recipe!

7. Protect and admire nature

All kinds, from foxes to flowers! In the current state of climate change, protecting our environment is more important than ever!

8. Last but not least, be yourself!

It’s okay to be different! Whether you are redheaded or every color of the rainbow, embrace your differences. You belong!

Shopping Mindfully

Okay, let’s make this post quick before you check out everything in your Amazon cart!

I’ll get straight to the point. Have you asked yourself:

  • Will this product bring me joy? For how long and why?
  • Have I brought something like this before? What happened to it? Did I use it?
  • Is this the best price I can get this for?
  • Would I let my friend splurge on this?
  • Do I have space for it?

And the biggest question of all:

  • Do I need it? or has society fooled me into thinking I can’t live without it?

I have been brainwashed by numerous pop up ads and commercials, it’s not even funny anymore. It’s getting difficult to tell if I am buying something because I want to or because subconsciously, I’ve watched an ad.

Now you don’t have to answer all of these questions, if you decide that something is within your pay and you want it, then that’s more than enough. I just don’t like seeing things go to waste. Sometimes we buy things we don’t actually want or need.

An example: I brought a smart watch before, just to keep track of my steps and heart… and it’s now dead and lost somewhere in the bottom of my draw. I use my phone now for all these things, including checking my heart rate, which is just so handy. WHY did I even by a smart watch? I could have used my phone regardless. . . Idk I thought it would be easier? Also, I may have been jealous of my sister’s smart watch. Okay, they look really cool! However, I am a person who does not like to take unnecessary roads (I’m not lazy, I just like shortcuts.) And what’s wrong with that? If there is a quick and efficient way to do something, then why not?

I have brought clothes that I wore for one season before really noticing that I didn’t like it, it wasn’t the kind of material that could last long, and it barely looks good on me.

So, what does one do? If you are anything like me, you begin to clean and declutter. 

Things you can do with your stuff if it doesn’t make you happy: (being it’s in good condition)

  • Sell it
  • Donate it
  • Give it away/ gift it
  • DIY / upcycle it
  • Find another purpose for it


Well, recent news to me, but overspending can be a form of self harm.

It may feel nice but you can actually do yourself a disservice.

1) you’re spending too much at once when you might need that money for something else.

2) when you are using money and shopping as a coping mechanism, it rarely solves anything. It’s just temporary which means, you’ll be back shopping again for things you don’t need shortly. But I get this. Sometimes you feel down and you just want to treat yourself. Nothing wrong with that, but don’t flex what you don’t have.

There are many ways to treat yourself that don’t involve going broke or in debt.

Being Happy Alone

I find sometimes the hardest thing to do, can be the best thing for you, kinda like swallowing medicine.

It’s one thing to be alone in private and another to be alone in a crowd of people.

What I mean by this is we often feel at peace being alone in our rooms and at home, however going out by ourselves can be stressful.

Why is it good to be alone:

  • Clears your head
  • Recharge your social battery
  • You can do what you please
  • Gives you a break from stressful situations and places (family, home, friends, school…)
  • Boosts creativity

With nothing but my good friend, Anxiety, to keep me company, I used to dislike going outside alone. I’ve often worried about things going wrong, doing something embarrassing, or having to talk to strangers.

Problems we may have with being alone :

  • overthinking and interruptive thoughts
  • feeling lonely
  • nothing to do
  • Feeling like the whole world is watching you

I’ve definitely felt every one of those issues. Mainly a lot of this has to do with self perception, confidence and esteem. I only thought highly of myself when others praised me, laughed at my jokes or enjoyed my presence. Without the approval of others, I never liked myself. I felt awkward, out of place.

Being alone in public, made it feel like everyone was watching me. Although, now I’m starting to grow into thinking that 1) that’s not true and 2) even if it was, why should I care? (It’s not easy to change one’s mindset but I’m getting there. *note to self, make this a post* )

How I started enjoying time alone:

  • Walking a scenic route – Going somewhere that has a lot to see is a good way to take your mind off of …well, everything? I love window shopping, nature walking, and taking in everything I haven’t seen before.
  • Bringing something enjoyable – Whether it’s a book, headphones, or even a cup of coffee. I usually bring my headphones and listen to music when I go out. The world feels more like my own movie with my music as the soundtrack. **Note to make a post about this as well**
  • Treat yourself – I love to stop at a bakery and pick up a cake or cookie. Maybe you rather picking up a book or a plant or a bottle of wine? Perhaps treating yourself is getting your nails done or walking through a field of flowers.
  • Taking pictures – Pictures can help document a moment. It gives you something to look back on. The photos I’ve took when going out reminds me that I can enjoy my day out alone.
  • Finding a familiar place – When feelings nervous or anxious, I like to take a minute and find somewhere familiar to pause and breathe. Sometimes a familiar place for me is a library, a starbucks, or a park, heck even Target or an art store. Just somewhere that I’ve been before where I can have a break and recollect myself. A good outside grounding technique is specifically naming everything you see: a tall brown oak tree growing pink flowers, six cracks in the sidewalk, 2 blue cars .. etc. I like calling out all the cars I see to myself as I take several deep breaths.

Now, my first time being alone felt a bit uncomfortable, and so did the second and the third, but it felt better with time. I took this feeling as a feeling of growth.

A reminder:

Take note of all the things that went right. What did you see that made you smile? 

Reasons to be proud of yourself:

  • You tried
  • You went out alone
  • You made it through the day

What do you like to do outdoors? What makes you happy?

Question of the post – Comment and let me know