An “Anne with an E” Type of Lifestyle

You don’t need a rustic cottage and farm in the middle of Green Gables to enjoy a similar lifestyle like Anne Shirley Cuthbert!

Honestly, it’s as easy as following these 8 simple ways :

1. Read more

It doesn’t have to be Jane Austen. Read any book that you deeply enjoy.

2. Indulge in bread, tarts, pies and tea.

Because there’s nothing like the smell of freshly baked goods in the morning.

3. Appreciate knowledge and how great it is to learn.

Many may not notice, but education is a privilege. Take the time to learn something new or share a fact with another.

4. Speak your mind!

Be bold, brave, and never back down from sharing your thoughts. Respect is key!

5. Stand for what’s right!

Demand justice and be an ally! Anne is not one to sit around in the face of injustice! Do the best you can and let others know you are there for and with them.

6. Send a letter or two to loved ones or even yourself!

Write about the simple things you conquered today, like making your bed or trying a new recipe!

7. Protect and admire nature

All kinds, from foxes to flowers! In the current state of climate change, protecting our environment is more important than ever!

8. Last but not least, be yourself!

It’s okay to be different! Whether you are redheaded or every color of the rainbow, embrace your differences. You belong!

Shopping Mindfully

Okay, let’s make this post quick before you check out everything in your Amazon cart!

I’ll get straight to the point. Have you asked yourself:

  • Will this product bring me joy? For how long and why?
  • Have I brought something like this before? What happened to it? Did I use it?
  • Is this the best price I can get this for?
  • Would I let my friend splurge on this?
  • Do I have space for it?

And the biggest question of all:

  • Do I need it? or has society fooled me into thinking I can’t live without it?

I have been brainwashed by numerous pop up ads and commercials, it’s not even funny anymore. It’s getting difficult to tell if I am buying something because I want to or because subconsciously, I’ve watched an ad.

Now you don’t have to answer all of these questions, if you decide that something is within your pay and you want it, then that’s more than enough. I just don’t like seeing things go to waste. Sometimes we buy things we don’t actually want or need.

An example: I brought a smart watch before, just to keep track of my steps and heart… and it’s now dead and lost somewhere in the bottom of my draw. I use my phone now for all these things, including checking my heart rate, which is just so handy. WHY did I even by a smart watch? I could have used my phone regardless. . . Idk I thought it would be easier? Also, I may have been jealous of my sister’s smart watch. Okay, they look really cool! However, I am a person who does not like to take unnecessary roads (I’m not lazy, I just like shortcuts.) And what’s wrong with that? If there is a quick and efficient way to do something, then why not?

I have brought clothes that I wore for one season before really noticing that I didn’t like it, it wasn’t the kind of material that could last long, and it barely looks good on me.

So, what does one do? If you are anything like me, you begin to clean and declutter. 

Things you can do with your stuff if it doesn’t make you happy: (being it’s in good condition)

  • Sell it
  • Donate it
  • Give it away/ gift it
  • DIY / upcycle it
  • Find another purpose for it


Well, recent news to me, but overspending can be a form of self harm.

It may feel nice but you can actually do yourself a disservice.

1) you’re spending too much at once when you might need that money for something else.

2) when you are using money and shopping as a coping mechanism, it rarely solves anything. It’s just temporary which means, you’ll be back shopping again for things you don’t need shortly. But I get this. Sometimes you feel down and you just want to treat yourself. Nothing wrong with that, but don’t flex what you don’t have.

There are many ways to treat yourself that don’t involve going broke or in debt.

Finding Peace In The Morning

How does one wake up refreshed and eager to start the day? I wish I can give you the perfect answer. However, I can tell you a few ways I’ve been using to wake up and enjoy my mornings.

Salutations dearies, here are four ways I revamped my morning routine. I hope you enjoy and find them useful.

Use a distinct alarm that will reflect your sleeping schedule.

There are several apps that aim to wake you up during the optimal times based on your sleep cycle. Waking up during your light sleep is better than waking up when you’re in the middle of deep sleep. I currently use the Sleep as Android app. I set my alarm for 6 am, and my alarm wakes me between 5 am and 6 am. Of course, it’s optimal to have your device either on your bed or very close to you for more accurate results.

Search for ‘Smart Alarms’ or ‘Sleep Cycle’ when looking for an app for you to use.

If you don’t like having a device close to you at night, then I’d suggest setting a alarm for about 15 to 30 minutes earlier than you have to wake up.

Having a distinct alarm sound is also beneficial for waking up. It’s too often that I sleep through my alarms or enjoy them instead of waking up. Having the ring tone as a very loud and repetitive sound works nicely for me.

If you wake up within 30 mins before your alarm, do not go back to sleep. I’m sure we’ve all heard that snoozing makes you more tired than originally. I found it is best to try to stay awake.

Get out of bed for at least 10 minutes

It’s definitely a good idea to get out of bed upon waking up. Take a trip to the bathroom, wash your face, and have a glass of water. I find watching a vlog or reading a post helps wake me up a bit more, as well. You can do whatever you please that will help you. So go through your email, scroll on IG/ tik tok, do some morning stretches or yoga.

Don’t just make breakfast, create it!

What i mean is, make it eggs-citing! Have fun with it. Pick out a fancy mug you haven’t used in a while and a cute plate or bowl. Go all out as you can with plating and presentation. Make it feel like it’s another day at the CafΓ©. Think of it as not just coffee, but a latte with an extra shot of expresso, or maybe you’re having a hot americano.

Usually I go for a vanilla latte, a croissant, a side of eggs, and fruit. Something simple and filling. I’m not a fan of big greasy breakfasts, as I feel that will just tire me down.

The plus about breakfast is you can have it any time you want. If you’re not a big eater in morning, have it in the afternoon. The first meal of the day is what we call breakfast, don’t pressure yourself to have it strictly at 8 am.

What I wish someone told me earlier in life is breakfast doesn’t have to be limited to breakfast foods. Feel free to enjoy a sandwich, potatoes, or even soup. As long as it’s not too heavy.

Set daily goals and intentions

I enjoy waking up when I have a purpose or plan for the day. If I know that there is something I want to do or focus on then I have a reason to get up.

For me, making small goals is a way to overcome big tasks and goals. Divide and conquer! I look a good checklist including basics like making coffee and washing my face. Things I will definitely do, which means I start my day with 2 to three things already checked off. It’s a great way to get the ball rolling, feel accomplished and motivated to do more.

My Journey To A Romantic Life…

It's not about moving to a fairytale cottage or remodeling my bedroom, it's about a change in perspective and self.  

Salutations and welcome to understanding my journey for a romantic life.

Googling or searching Instagram for ‘romantic living’ will bring you chic decor and living arrangements. It’s frills, doilies, plush pillows, and flowy curtains, but that’s not what I wish to focus on.

What Is A Romanticized lifestyle?

Despite what can be seen on social media and online, I think everyone has a slightly different understanding of a romanticized lifestyle. I believe you don’t need much to live such a life, it can be quite simple.

I understand a romanticized life to be a life filled with growth, joy, and imagination. It’s finding something beautiful in the plain and ordinary.

It’s loving and understanding your flaws, overcoming mistakes, and continually evolving to be the person you wish to be. A romanticized life is reaching a life you can be happy with while making the small moments count.

The journey to live such a lifestyle often includes self rediscovery, of strengths, weaknesses, beliefs, and personality. Answering the questions, who am I? And also, who do I want to be?

Why The Change? Why Now?

It’s too often that I envy others, youtube vloggers and influencers, for how they live and the things they have. Jealous that I don’t seem to be as put together or happy with my life as they appear to be. I started this journey because I was bored and annoyed with myself. My daily routine of napping and tv binging was tiresome; I felt purposeless. I wanted to find joy in my life again.

It started with the idea that I should start living my life the way I want to, as the person I want to be.

It’s kinda like dressing for the job you want.

How Will I Do It?

Firstly, wake up with the mindset that my life is my own to run and mold as I please, I shouldn’t compare it to anyone else’s. I should view each morning as a chance to do the things I want to do and treat myself as I would royalty.

 It's my goal to give myself unconditional love, patience, and respect. 

So, enjoy the fancy plated breakfasts, create playlists filled with songs I love, go on nature walks, read with several lit candles, and so forth. Completing each activity with care and mindfulness.

Second, create up to 3 weekly attainable goals and daily to-do lists.

Third, a big part of this journey is self reflection.

  • What brings me the most joy?
  • Do I like the routines I make for myself?
  • How do I deal with my problems?
  • What did I notice today that I didn’t notice before?
  • Did I take a minute to breathe today?
  • Where is my anxiety coming from and how can I manage it?
  • Did I finish my to-do list? Why not?
  • What drains my energy the most?

This is a new start of me (yet again), trying to get my life together and you’re welcome to join me!